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An Essential Choice

Fundamentally, something we all have in common is individuality. The deepest individuation of our being, our essential self, is the...

Healing Fragmentation to Wholeness

Healing is a movement of return to wholeness from fragmentation. Dis-ease is part of our fragmentation – part of the realm of accident as...

A Rash Resolution

Throughout much of my adult life I have engaged in resetting practices in accordance with life’s ebb and flow. Making New Year’s...

A Cleansing and Resetting Ritual

The winter celebrations are upon us. In some traditions, Frankincense and Myrrh, as well as other wonderful resins are used to help...

What is Ritual Bathing?

What is ritual bathing and why do we want to bother with it? To answer that question let’s first take a look at the concept of ritual....

Cleanliness First, With Intention

Making medicine is a sacred act. Sacred acts require a clear space and focus. I consider the Egyptian Grace products medicine in so far...

Aromatics, Natural Laws, Intuition

The intentional use of aromatics to effect changes in the ambience and personal atmosphere has gone on for thousands of years. Ancient...

Grace, Evolution, Intuition, Aromatics

“Grace is always present. You imagine it is something somewhere high in the sky, far away, and has to descend. It is really inside you,...


I must accept my un-acceptance, and when I do it becomes a fluidity that can perhaps bathe me

It's Not Just Cream, Until It Is

There are the poets who know how to thread the needle and sew a garment for the soul. But then, isn’t it better to be naked, like the King?

Tools of Elevation

Energetically speaking, to change a mental/feeling state one must change one’s vibration.

Towards a Higher Resonance

Who are you at your most essential? How can you begin to address this question without the Will to pursue it?

A Perfume Story That's Essential

Long before I ever even knew what an essential oil is I nevertheless had experience that led me to sense the magic in perfumes and...

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